Creating ceremonies that are personal, meaningful and memorable.


A wedding booked with me will reflect yourselves as a couple. Humanist wedding ceremonies allow you to express your personalities on the big day with music, readings and rituals. Together we can create a ceremony that is simple and traditional or totally unique and a bit of fun! As a Registered Wedding Solemniser, your wedding with me is a legal ceremony and you will be officially married on the day.


Many people are now choosing to mark the passing of a loved one with a non-religious ceremony. I can help a bereaved family to create a non-religious ceremony which both reflects the loss of a loved one but also celebrates the joy and love they shared with family and friends during their lifetime. I will provide guidance and support in choosing, the appropriate words, music, readings and symbolic gestures which best reflect the life of the deceased.

The bereaved family can opt to include contributions from family and friends or the ceremony can be conducted entirely by the celebrant.


Welcome the new little one to the family with an intimate naming ceremony. This is usually conducted for babies but sometimes it is also appropriate for older children and young adults. This can be conducted in a hotel, the local park or in your own home or garden.

Coming of Age

The coming of age ceremony is a tradition celebrated by cultures around the world. This formally marks the transition to the next stage of life and acknowledges the responsibilities of and respect for the freethinking young adult.